Everyone, we wanted to wait this time for a year before writing the review you requested. First, your customer service is fabulous. We purchased 6 gallons of the rvroofmagic, precisely the amount your calculator told us for the main roof and the pull-outs, and we used it all. The cleaner ( your roofprotect) was so good we used it on the siding of our house and it has never been cleaner. Ok, so we tried two other products two years ago. The first is the Flexseal product, which we never used again, and then we used a water-based elastomeric, which peeled off in the spring. We called the manufacturer about the warranty, and they asked us if we used their primer and if we put two coats on. Nothing on their website said anything about a primer or requiring two coats. Your product clearly stated that it NEVER needs a primer, and it was one coat. Your website was also the most informative of any other we researched. So here we are a year later. We were not surprised because we looked at many of the pictures and videos on your site and social media, but when you saw your RV, we were astonished at how nice it looked. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for an end-all solution to a roof leak and, for that matter, anyone looking to add many more years to their roof before it gets worse
Dennis and Susan B
Denton TX