Here are a few pictures sent in to us from a customer. Our product is manufactured according to GMP practices to insure identical consistency, texture, color and appearance. We maintain quality control by imprinting our products with lot number and manufacturing dates and maintain all records to insure proper shelf life which guarantees our customers…
Author: admin
Product Application Video
New video. Here is the newest application video from one of our customers. It is a A-Z video very nice job. Thank you
Why You Need a High-Quality RV Roof Sealant
One of the most neglected areas of an RV is also likely the most important: the RV’s roof. The roof of an RV is out of sight, which often means it’s out of mind. With your RV, be sure to keep its roof in mind. These recreational rigs are behemoths in every aspect: they offer…
Take Proper Care of Your RV Roof with the Right Repair
Whether you spend most of your time in your RV, or you only use it for a couple of weeks each summer, you want it to last. You love the RV and the memories you’ve been able to make with the vehicle. Naturally, you want it to keep on running well as long as possible….
Rubex Caulk- Sealing Seams & AC Units.
As part of the prep work prior to an application of RVroofmagic it is important to look as all the perimeter areas where you have existing caulk. Be sure it is secure. Any loose caulk around the unit and around vents, pipes, or screws does need to be replace. Rubex was field tested to be…
The Success of RvRoofMagic
Over the years there have been many various types of coatings for Rv’s. Acrylic-water based, solvent based, elastomerics, epoxies etc. All these have several benefits and well disadvantages. Over the years we had looked at what the RV industry really required in a product. There were several main items that kept surfacing and based on…
Proper Application Procedures
So the first item to consider is taking the proper safety precautions. This means fall protection in place. Have a stable latter and do not work in an enclosed environment. You will also want to check with your town on where to properly dispose of any left over material. Clean the roof with a good…
Fred D Testimonial
“RvRoofMagic is amazing. My RV roof was a disaster. I have been battling leaks for a few years now and no other product would stop the leaks or even last more than a few months. Everything else would peel up after awhile. It rained a week later. Zero leaks! The product goes on easy and…
RV Roof Magic: It’s More Than Magic
You know what they say, “A magician never reveals his secrets.” The same cannot be said about RV Roof Magic, as it has had over 15 years of success in helping thousands of RV owners repair their RV’s roof for a fraction of the price. There’s no secret about it. Simply enough, RV Roof Magic…