Roof Protect Cleaner
(55 customer reviews)
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Properly prepare your roofing membrane for coating with our Roof Protect! This eco-friendly, biodegradable cleaner is designed to complement our RvRoofMagic and give you the best results from your roof coating application. Other cleaners leave streaks and residues that may jeopardize adhesion to a coating as well as still leaving live mold spores on the roof prior to application.
Our Roof Protect emulsifies contaminants and provides improved surface preparation and adhesion by effectively removing oil, grease, mildew, dirt, and other soils from your roofing membrane. It also contains a mildewcide to kill any mold spores on your roof prior to application. You can also use Roof Protect annually to further protect your roof, allowing dirt, grease etc. to be removed, further extending your roof’s service life. Roof prep with Roof Protect is required for our warranty. One gallon will last approximately 4 washes.
Directions for Use:
- On your initial cleaning prior to the application of RvRoofMagic use a 1:5 ratio with water. For example, 1 cup of Roof Protect for every 5 cups of water. Wash down the roof with water then scrub with a soft bristle brush and thoroughly rinse and let dry before application.
- For subsequent cleanings use a 1-10 ratio. If you are using a power wash with a maximum of 2000 PSI, beginning at the lowest point on the roof and work upwards. Once highest point is reached, work down again with a final rinse to remove any excess contaminants from the roof.
- Safety Measures: Use protective glasses and clothing when using this product. Do not use on soft painted surfaces at a dilution rate less than 1:30. You can view our safety sheet Roof Protect SDS
- See SDS and roof protect specification sheet for precautions and additional information.
Avoid contact with any painted surfaces or vinyl siding
Additional information
It is suggested that you test a small area first to determine the overall condition of the sides of your RV. If the sides are worn or the paint has aged streaks could result in some instances. The best way to avoid this is to do a test area first to determine if that would be an issue. Some customers will cover the sides of the rv during the rinsing process. You also do not want to go more a 5-1 ration on your initial cleaning meaning nothing less than a 5-1. Shelf life of the Roof Protect is 1 year.
SECTION 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product identifier
Product name: Roof Protect
Product form: Cleaner/Degreaser
494 Bridgeport Ave Suite 101-342
Shelton CT 06484
Phone: 855-281-0940
Emergency telephone number
Emergency number: 800-535-5053 (Infotrac)
SECTION 2: Hazards identification
Emergency Overview
Precautionary Statements:
P233 Keep container tightly closed
P261 Avoid breathing in vapors
P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing
P264 Wash hands thoroughly after handing
P281 Use personal protective equipment as required
Hazard Statements:
H302 Harmful if swallowed Acute Toxicity Oral: Category 4
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Skin & Eye Irritation/Corrosion: Category 1
H335 May cause respiratory irritation Respiratory Tract irritation: Category 3
Routes of Entry Dermal, Oral, and Inhalation
Acute Effects:
Eyes Exposure can cause severe burning sensation
Skin Contact can cause dryness and irritation
Inhalation Irritation to mucous membranes, possible headache and lightheadedness
Ingestion Can cause nausea and burning of gastrointestinal tract.
SECTION 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients
Name of Hazardous Ingredients | CAS Number | % by Weight |
Sodium Metasilicate | 6834-92-0 | <3 |
Sodium Hydroxide | 1310-73-2 | 1-5 |
Alcohol Ethoxylate | 66455-15-0 | 1-2 |
Tetrasodium EDTA | 64-02-8 | <3 |
SECTION 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact Flush with water for atleast 15 minutes, call a physician immediately.
Skin Contact Wash well with water. Launder clothing before reuse.
Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air.
Ingestion Do not induce vomiting. Give several glasses of water. Never give any thing to an unconscious
person orally. Seek immediate medical attention.
SECTION 5: Fire Fighting Measures 
National Fire
Protection Association (U.S.A)
(estimated rating)
Hazardous Combustion Products | N/A |
Extinguishing Media | Media applicable to surrounding fire |
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media | N/A |
Fire Fighting Procedures | Wear protective gear. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers |
SECTION 6: Accidental Release Measures
Spill Clean Up All spilled material must be contained and kept out of waterways, sewers and drains. The spilled
chemical should be absorbed with an inert material. Flush cleaned area thoroughly with water.
SECTION 7: Handling and Storage
Handling and Storage Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Keep out of the reach of children. Have
eyewash accessible to use in handling area.
SECTION 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Exposure Limits
Sodium Hydroxide (1310-73-2) | 2mg/m3 | 2mg/m3 | 2mg/m3 |
Engineering Controls Local exhaust
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Eyes Safety glasses or chemical splash goggles
Body Rubber or neoprene gloves
Respiratory Use with ventilation
SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State | Liquid | Explosive Limits | N/A |
Color | Blue | Vapor Pressure | N/A |
Odor | Slight alcohol odor | Vapor Density | >1 |
Odor Threshold | N/A | Relative Density | N/A |
pH | 13.0-14.0 | Solubility | Complete |
Freezing Point | N/A | Partition Coefficient | N/A |
Boiling Point | >210°F | Auto-IgnitionTemp. | N/A |
Flash Point | Not combustible | De composition Temp. | N/A |
Evaporation Rate | Slower | Viscosity | N/A |
Flammability | Non-Flammable | Specific Gravity | 1.075-1.095 |
SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity
Stability and Reactivity Stable
Incompatibility Strong oxidizing reagents
Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur
Hazardous Decomposition Products CO and CO2
Conditions to Avoid Contact with incompatibilities
SECTION 11: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry Dermal, oral and inhalation
Symptoms Irritation to burning sensation
Skin Irritant Yes
Eye Irritant Yes
Sensitizers Not determined
Mutagenicity No information found
Carcinogenicity None
Reproductive Toxicity No information found
Target Organs None
There is no toxicological data for this product as a whole. Based on relevant ingredients with known acute toxicity,
the acute toxicity estimate using the additive formula(ATE) has been determined.
Acute Toxicity
Test | Results | Basis |
Dermal | 13,517mg/kg | ATE determined practically non-toxic |
Oral | 4,155mg/kg | ATE determined practically non-toxic |
Inhalation | 95mg/m3 | ATE determined practically non-toxic |
SECTION 12: Ecological Information
Environmental Effects No ecological information available
SECTION 13: Disposal Considerations
Waste Information Dispose of in accordance with all Federal, State and Local pollution control regulations.
SECTION 14: Transportation Information
Regulatory Information | UN number | Proper Shipping Name | Classes | Packaging Group | Label Code |
DOT Classification | UN1824 | Sodium Hydroxide Solution | 8 | PGII | Corrosive |
Note: DOT Classification applies to most packaging sizes. For specific container size classifications or for size exceptions, refer to the Bill of
Lading with your shipment.
SECTION 15: Regulatory Information
US Federal Regulations The following substances are listed as a toxic chemical and are subject to report
under the SARA act Section 313: None
The following substances have CERCLA reportable quantity values (in pounds):
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 1,000
State Regulations None
SECTION 15: Other Information
The information contained here in is based on the data available to us and is believed to be accurate. However, no
warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data or the results to be obtained from the use
there of. We assume no responsibility for injuries from the use of the product described herein.
55 reviews for Roof Protect Cleaner
K&L RV Services (verified owner)

“This is our third time our shop is using this; so far, we love it and we have tried many products over the years.”
Ken – Pensacola FL (verified owner)

Hello everyone well here are some before and after pics. It really turned out great. Thank you to your support staff it did need two coats. After the first coat dried you could still see some of the wood grains but after the 2nd coat it looks like someone put one piece of rubber over it. Very smooth and it saved me a few hundred dollars vs the alternative.
Gary W. (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
DJ Rv Repair (verified owner)

Hello guys So here are the pictures. Just have to say, love the product used different products over the years for the units we repair, but we are very happy with the results. Pros love the way it self-levels and the fact that it’s a solvent-based product, so we won’t have to worry about it peeling. Very easy to work with and vs other products, you are not on the clock. I believe we put the lid on the can and finished the project about 48 hours later and just re-mixed the can and had no issues. We also used your butyl caulk around the vents and AC. The only con is that you can’t color it. Sometimes we get customers who want to tint their roof. We will be ordering more, that is for sure. Next time we will send in a video for your youtube site!
Ron (verified owner)

Hello all,
I coated my 30′ RV Sunday. Everything went great! I was a little apprehensive going into it but within 5 minutes was feeling good about it.
I prepped it the day before. I purchased a total of 5 gallons. I probably could have only used the 4 gallon pails but I wanted to coat it a little heavier around an area that ponds water. Have a little left and will use it for any future touchups We were having good weather. The product skinned over in about 3 hours and it really looks great. Cannot be more pleased with the results. Used the Roof Protect cleaner you have on our site and it was fantastic it eat up all the dirt that was there for years. It took about 2 hours to coat the roof. Great product! Sincerely a new and long-term customer.
Karl W. – Albany NY (verified owner)

Received your products last Saturday. I cleaned with your product and performed exceedingly well. Put down the flash coat after. (that was the hardest of any of it, brushed on.) Sunday did the coating with 3/8th inch nap roller. Absolutely the whole process was seamless!!! Loved the fact that it did not require a primer and only needed one coat. Have to tell you, when we were looking on the internet your product looked to be the best and now after we applied it we are confident we made the right decision. You guy actually picked up the phone WOW a company that answers their phones. Thanks to Lenny for his help. I can’t wait to see how it holds up this winter,with the cold,snow,& ice.. Will let you know thanks again!
SureBuilt Homes & Restoration – Vienna, Maryland (verified owner)

Hello, I just wanted to let you know your roof magic product is great stuff ! These are pictures when it was applied on my camper roof this past spring. But I also wanted to follow up with your company and let you know after a year it is still fantastic and lives up to all the hype you said it would. I recommend this product to anyone thinking about a roof coating. I have included some photos from start to finish of my camper.
JR – Biggelow (verified owner)

Guys here are some before during and after pics. Our shop is officially sold on the product. This is the 5th unit we did and every application has the same consistent results. The product dries to a very nice smooth seamless piece. Love the way the roller marks disappear and the thickness that it goes on. Next one we do I think we can put together a nice video.
Gene R – Rosemont NY (verified owner)

Please see attached for some pictures. I like the clean white look. It also feels more sturdy- but that may be me. Over-all, I am excited for the long-lasting positive effects as I am confident it works.
Great product, did just what your website said it would do. Which is quite refreshing! I will try to take some better pictures with different lighting.
Thank You!
DJ Rv Repair Services (verified owner)

Hello guys So here are the pictures. Just have to say, love the product used different products over the years for the units we repair, but we are very happy with the results. Pros love the way it self-levels and the fact that it’s a solvent-based product, so we won’t have to worry about it peeling. Very easy to work with and vs other products, you are not on the clock. I believe we put the lid on the can and finished the project about 48 hours later and just re-mixed the can and had no issues. We also used your butyl caulk around the vents and AC. The only con is that you can’t color it. Sometimes we get customers who want to tint their roof. We will be ordering more, that is for sure. Next time we will send in a video for your youtube site!
Thank you
Travel as much as possible!!!
G. Sorrell – Lufkin, TX (verified owner)

“Everyone was SUPER helpful and knew the product, properties and application methods well. I applied the rvroofmagic to our trailer in about a 2-hour period one evening. It was tricky at first with the application, from a novice who had not done this before, on the flat surface as well as rounding the corners and down on the sides about 6 inches. It went GREAT! Needless to say, I am super proud of the product and the finished job. I cannot thank your folks enough for the support and quality of the product. Excellent. Coming from a process management philosophy and background, it leads me to be extra thankful for outstanding processes with outstanding people. Thanks again, ”
Here is what I say about my finished product now…. “No drips, no runs, no errors!”
Frank J Oxford Ga (verified owner)

“Hi RvRoofMagic I wanted to send the attached pictures of my camper before and after application of your RvRoofMagic. I put it on last week and it looks great. I was a little nervous putting it on at first, but it went very smoothly as I got a feel for it. The camper looks great and I could not be more pleased. It did bubble up in a few places at first, but they have pretty much gone back down now. I will be sure to let anyone I know who has a camper about your product. Product worked exactly like your company said it would!” Thanks
JR RV and Coach (verified owner)

“Sorry guys, we did not have time to work on the video you requested, but I can tell you that we are more than pleased with the performance of the product . Its self-leveling ability was really impressive. When we applied, it within 30 seconds we saw the brush strokes disappear. Set up great and easy to work with. We actually had some left over. Guess we ordered a little too much and put it on our supply shed roof and it worked great. I called your office about having us stock the product in our store in a couple months.”
John – Carmel, IN (verified owner)

“Below are before and after photos on my recent installation of RvRoofMagic. I am very pleased with the results. It was about three hours of work, not including prep, but the results speak for themselves.”
RB Service & Sales (verified owner)

So this is our 4th roof so as I said, we wanted to try this before giving any comments. I am working on more pics hopefully next week to send. We started out by giving the unit a wash with your Roof Protect, which really made the roof cleaner than we ever saw it. Great product. We had a light rain come through the next day, so we decided to give it another day to fully dry out. Next, we applied the Rubex caulk we purchased off your site. We did get a little bit more than 15 linear feet but some of the beads were very thin which might explain it. We took a line chalk and basically snapped a 50 sq. ft area 10X5 that was a good gauge for applying it at 50 sq. ft per gallon. The application took about 90 minutes with both of us working on it. Our shop has tried many products over the years and after these projects, we are very pleased with the overall results of the product. Pros No need to mix anything so we can take our time Whatever we don’t use, we can shelf the can for up to 6 months (like this so we can use it on future customers) Love the self-leveling aspect really looks like someone put a 235 sq. ft piece of rubber on his roof when we were done Cons Little pricey, but I guess since it only requires one coat it’s not too bad. Does not come in a 2.5 gallon container
K. Dombroski, Denton TX (verified owner)

“Easy to work with and it did just what they said it would do. Very happy with the results.”
Gary W. – Hawthorne, CA (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
Paul (verified owner)

Hi Everyone, “I completed my project and it was much easier than I thought, I wish I had done this years ago, and glad I chose this coating versus the other offerings out there. I will send you 2 more emails, this is the start of cleaning. Hope they are worth of a gift card.” Thanks
Jared Contractors (verified owner)

“Well, what can I say, the product everything you guys said it would ( I was a bit sceptic have to admit). This is our 8th RV now and the customer could not be more happy. Next order we will work on some pictures for you guys. What we really like about the product is that it goes on very thick, so it is really a new roof when you look at it after is dries. Our bays are also not tied up anymore because we usually will apply at 9:00 in the morning and tell the customer to come after 4:00 to pick it up. I wanted to wait a few months until I gave you my feedback and I can say this is the first time in 7 years one of our clients is telling us his roof did not leak during the winter months. We will be ordering more in the spring. This is the only product we will be using. Less headaches !! ”
David R. D – Lincolnton GA (verified owner)

“Just a great product, went on easy and looks great. Just completed my 35 Bus, cut in the wrap around sides and around the ACs and vents. Spent the hardest time on cleaning and prep. If you are looking for a product to seal your RV, stop looking !!!!”
Robert (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
Bob, Sally H. Yuma AZ (verified owner)

“Two pictures are the before and then after using your product RvRoofMagic. Very pleased with the way it turned out! And also, the shipping sure came quickly. Have a great and safe day!”
Richard (verified owner)

I wish I would have found this product 5 years ago. I could’ve saved a lot of damage on my camper. Since I treated the roof I no longer sleep in a water bed. Also, before I found Roof Magic I had a local camper repair man that I paid $350 and all he did was to use 3 tubes of some caulking and told me I soon need a new roof $3000? Now for the first time no leaks. I have tried a bunch of products that shopLiquidRubber stuff and dicor and it never lasted more than a couple years AND I still had a leak. We have already told several people in our park who will be ordering soon from you guys. Great customer services also.
Thomas (verified owner)

Hello all,
I coated my 30′ RV Sunday. Everything went great! I was a little apprehensive going into it but within 5 minutes was feeling good about it.
I prepped it the day before. I purchased a total of 5 gallons. I probably could have only used the 4 gallon pails but I wanted to coat it a little heavier around an area that ponds water. Have a little left and will use it for any future touchups We were having good weather. The product skinned over in about 3 hours and it really looks great. Cannot be more pleased with the results. Used the Roof Protect cleaner you have on our site and it was fantastic it eat up all the dirt that was there for years. It took about 2 hours to coat the roof. Great product! Sincerely a new and long-term customer.
Michael (verified owner)

Hello guys So here are the pictures. Just have to say, love the product used different products over the years for the units we repair, but we are very happy with the results. Pros love the way it self-levels and the fact that it’s a solvent-based product, so we won’t have to worry about it peeling. Very easy to work with and vs other products, you are not on the clock. I believe we put the lid on the can and finished the project about 48 hours later and just re-mixed the can and had no issues. We also used your butyl caulk around the vents and AC. The only con is that you can’t color it. Sometimes we get customers who want to tint their roof. We will be ordering more, that is for sure. Next time we will send in a video for your youtube site!
Christopher (verified owner)

So, we just ordered another 5 gallons to do our uncles unit. But here are some pictures we took before and now three years later. It looks just like the day we applied it. Not sure what is your super-duper solvent, but this is the best rv coating I have ever seen, and I have had many discussions about your product and others in the campgrounds over the last two years. Anyway, we will be doing a video and will send once it is done.
Daniel (verified owner)

Received your products last Saturday. I cleaned with your product and performed exceedingly well. Put down the flash coat after. (that was the hardest of any of it, brushed on.) Sunday did the coating with 3/8th inch nap roller. Absolutely the whole process was seamless!!! Loved the fact that it did not require a primer and only needed one coat. Have to tell you, when we were looking on the internet your product looked to be the best and now after we applied it we are confident we made the right decision. You guy actually picked up the phone WOW a company that answers their phones. Thanks to Lenny for his help. I can’t wait to see how it holds up this winter,with the cold,snow,& ice.. Will let you know thanks again!
Mark (verified owner)

Hello, I just wanted to let you know your roof magic product is great stuff ! These are pictures when it was applied on my camper roof this past spring. But I also wanted to follow up with your company and let you know after a year it is still fantastic and lives up to all the hype you said it would. I recommend this product to anyone thinking about a roof coating. I have included some photos from start to finish of my camper.
Donald (verified owner)

Guys here are some before during and after pics. Our shop is officially sold on the product. This is the 5th unit we did and every application has the same consistent results. The product dries to a very nice smooth seamless piece. Love the way the roller marks disappear and the thickness that it goes on. Next one we do I think we can put together a nice video.
Anthony (verified owner)

Hello everyone well here are some before and after pics. It really turned out great. Thank you to your support staff it did need two coats. After the first coat dried you could still see some of the wood grains but after the 2nd coat it looks like someone put one piece of rubber over it. Very smooth and it saved me a few hundred dollars vs the alternative.
Joshua (verified owner)

Please see attached for some pictures. I like the clean white look. It also feels more sturdy- but that may be me. Over-all, I am excited for the long-lasting positive effects as I am confident it works.
Great product, did just what your website said it would do. Which is quite refreshing! I will try to take some better pictures with different lighting.
Thank You!
Linda (verified owner)

Hello guys So here are the pictures. Just have to say, love the product used different products over the years for the units we repair, but we are very happy with the results. Pros love the way it self-levels and the fact that it’s a solvent-based product, so we won’t have to worry about it peeling. Very easy to work with and vs other products, you are not on the clock. I believe we put the lid on the can and finished the project about 48 hours later and just re-mixed the can and had no issues. We also used your butyl caulk around the vents and AC. The only con is that you can’t color it. Sometimes we get customers who want to tint their roof. We will be ordering more, that is for sure. Next time we will send in a video for your youtube site!
Thank you
Travel as much as possible!!!
Alan(verified owner)

Hello all, attached are several before, during and after pictures. The product worked just great. I was amazed when I checked it yesterday. I put my hand on the roof and it was not hot at all. Before the application on the surface, I could not leave my hand on the roof because it was so hot.
Lisa (verified owner)

“Sorry guys, we did not have time to work on the video you requested, but I can tell you that we are more than pleased with the performance of the product . Its self-leveling ability was really impressive. When we applied, it within 30 seconds we saw the brush strokes disappear. Set up great and easy to work with. We actually had some left over. Guess we ordered a little too much and put it on our supply shed roof and it worked great. I called your office about having us stock the product in our store in a couple months.”
Brian (verified owner)

“Easy to work with and it did just what they said it would do. Very happy with the results.”
George (verified owner)

“This is our third time our shop is using this; so far, we love it and we have tried many products over the years.”
Timothy (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
Eric (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
Carol (verified owner)

Hi Everyone, “I completed my project and it was much easier than I thought, I wish I had done this years ago, and glad I chose this coating versus the other offerings out there. I will send you 2 more emails, this is the start of cleaning. Hope they are worth of a gift card.” Thanks
Gregory (verified owner)

So, we just ordered another 5 gallons to do our uncles unit. But here are some pictures we took before and now three years later. It looks just like the day we applied it. Not sure what is your super-duper solvent, but this is the best rv coating I have ever seen, and I have had many discussions about your product and others in the campgrounds over the last two years. Anyway, we will be doing a video and will send once it is done.
Nathan (verified owner)

Hello everyone well here are some before and after pics. It really turned out great. Thank you to your support staff it did need two coats. After the first coat dried you could still see some of the wood grains but after the 2nd coat it looks like someone put one piece of rubber over it. Very smooth and it saved me a few hundred dollars vs the alternative.
Peter (verified owner)

Guys here are some before during and after pics. Our shop is officially sold on the product. This is the 5th unit we did and every application has the same consistent results. The product dries to a very nice smooth seamless piece. Love the way the roller marks disappear and the thickness that it goes on. Next one we do I think we can put together a nice video.
Tyler (verified owner)

Received your products last Saturday. I cleaned with your product and performed exceedingly well. Put down the flash coat after. (that was the hardest of any of it, brushed on.) Sunday did the coating with 3/8th inch nap roller. Absolutely the whole process was seamless!!! Loved the fact that it did not require a primer and only needed one coat. Have to tell you, when we were looking on the internet your product looked to be the best and now after we applied it we are confident we made the right decision. You guy actually picked up the phone WOW a company that answers their phones. Thanks to Lenny for his help. I can’t wait to see how it holds up this winter,with the cold,snow,& ice.. Will let you know thanks again!
Austin (verified owner)

Please see attached for some pictures. I like the clean white look. It also feels more sturdy- but that may be me. Over-all, I am excited for the long-lasting positive effects as I am confident it works.
Great product, did just what your website said it would do. Which is quite refreshing! I will try to take some better pictures with different lighting.
Thank You!
Christian (verified owner)

Hello all, attached are several before, during and after pictures. The product worked just great. I was amazed when I checked it yesterday. I put my hand on the roof and it was not hot at all. Before the application on the surface, I could not leave my hand on the roof because it was so hot.
Harold (verified owner)

Hello guys So here are the pictures. Just have to say, love the product used different products over the years for the units we repair, but we are very happy with the results. Pros love the way it self-levels and the fact that it’s a solvent-based product, so we won’t have to worry about it peeling. Very easy to work with and vs other products, you are not on the clock. I believe we put the lid on the can and finished the project about 48 hours later and just re-mixed the can and had no issues. We also used your butyl caulk around the vents and AC. The only con is that you can’t color it. Sometimes we get customers who want to tint their roof. We will be ordering more, that is for sure. Next time we will send in a video for your youtube site!
Thank you
Travel as much as possible!!!
Nicole (verified owner)

Hi Everyone, “I completed my project and it was much easier than I thought, I wish I had done this years ago, and glad I chose this coating versus the other offerings out there. I will send you 2 more emails, this is the start of cleaning. Hope they are worth of a gift card.” Thanks
Jordan (verified owner)

“Sorry guys, we did not have time to work on the video you requested, but I can tell you that we are more than pleased with the performance of the product . Its self-leveling ability was really impressive. When we applied, it within 30 seconds we saw the brush strokes disappear. Set up great and easy to work with. We actually had some left over. Guess we ordered a little too much and put it on our supply shed roof and it worked great. I called your office about having us stock the product in our store in a couple months.”
Amy (verified owner)

“Easy to work with and it did just what they said it would do. Very happy with the results.”
Sharon (verified owner)

“This is our third time our shop is using this; so far, we love it and we have tried many products over the years.”
Brenda (verified owner)

Great product all around. Easy application and I think the results speak for themselves. Looks like a brand-new roof. My brother and I worked on it for about 5 hours cleaned it the night before with your roof protect which did an amazing job lifting years of grime off our roof. Now our neighbor will be your next customer they were shocked with the application.
Joe (verified owner)

“Just a great product, went on easy and looks great. Just completed my 35 Bus, cut in the wrap around sides and around the ACs and vents. Spent the hardest time on cleaning and prep. If you are looking for a product to seal your RV, stop looking !!!!”
Marie (verified owner)

Hi Everyone, “I completed my project and it was much easier than I thought, I wish I had done this years ago, and glad I chose this coating versus the other offerings out there. I will send you 2 more emails, this is the start of cleaning. Hope they are worth of a gift card.” Thanks
Alan (verified owner)

Please see attached for some pictures. I like the clean white look. It also feels more sturdy- but that may be me. Over-all, I am excited for the long-lasting positive effects as I am confident it works.
Great product, did just what your website said it would do. Which is quite refreshing! I will try to take some better pictures with different lighting.
Thank You!
Natalie (verified owner)

“Easy to work with and it did just what they said it would do. Very happy with the results.”
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