Customer Testimonials
Here you will find a variety of testimonials from our customers some simply telling how much they like the product and others who go into detail on the application process.
Testimonial – John (Carmel, IN)
“Below are before and after photos on my recent installation of RvRoofMagic. I am very pleased with the results. It was about three hours of work, not including prep, but the results speak for themselves.”

Testimonial – RB Service & Sales
So this is our 4th roof so as I said, we wanted to try this before giving any comments. I am working on more pics hopefully next week to send. We started out by giving the unit a wash with your Roof Protect, which really made the roof cleaner than we ever saw it. Great product. We had a light rain come through the next day, so we decided to give it another day to fully dry out. Next, we applied the Rubex caulk we purchased off your site. We did get a little bit more than 15 linear feet but some of the beads were very thin which might explain it. We took a line chalk and basically snapped a 50 sq. ft area 10X5 that was a good gauge for applying it at 50 sq. ft per gallon. The application took about 90 minutes with both of us working on it. Our shop has tried many products over the years and after these projects, we are very pleased with the overall results of the product.
No need to mix anything so we can take our time
Whatever we don’t use, we can shelf the can for up to 6 months (like this so we can use it on future customers)
Love the self-leveling aspect really looks like someone put a 235 sq. ft piece of rubber on his roof when we were done
Little pricey, but I guess since it only requires one coat it’s not too bad.
Does not come in a 2.5 gallon container

Testimonial – Rhonda M
A few pictures of a couple women after completing the rv roof with Epdm roof coating. We started at 8:30 in the morning with the roof protect cleaner and next day same time and finished at 3:30. Turned out really well. Sorry I don’t have any before pictures, but we are extremely happy the way it turned out. 28 ft. Keystone Cougar with one slide out. We did the top of the slide also.
Rhonda M
Naples Fl.

Testimonial – SureBuilt Homes & Restoration
Hello, I just wanted to let you know your roof magic product is great stuff ! These are pictures when it was applied on my camper roof this past spring. But I also wanted to follow up with your company and let you know after a year it is still fantastic and lives up to all the hype you said it would. I recommend this product to anyone thinking about a roof coating. I have included some photos from start to finish of my camper.
SureBuilt Homes & Restoration
Vienna, Maryland

Testimomial – Folks
Folks here are the pictures as promised. What a great product all around. Very satisfied with the application ( I did put down a flash coat because I was not sure if it was EPDM or not) better safe than sorry!
I washed the unit down and let it dry overnight and then for about 4 hours the next morning just to let any dew burn off. I ordered 7 gallons which was enough for the project. The 3/8 inch roller worked out well and a 1/5 inch paintbrush for around the AC’s vents and trim work. The after pictures are the next morning about 11:30 really like the way the product self-leveled as I was rolling it out. Have to tell you my roof never looked so good. I purchased this because someone at the rv park use it last year and I got up on his roof one year later and he said he never had anymore leaks. I will be telling folks about the product and your terrific customer service. I know it is touch with Covid but every time I called in (which was a few times) either you guys answered the phone or called me back within an hour or so.

Testimonial – Ken
Hello everyone well here are some before and after pics. It really turned out great. Thank you to your support staff it did need two coats. After the first coat dried you could still see some of the wood grains but after the 2nd coat it looks like someone put one piece of rubber over it. Very smooth and it saved me a few hundred dollars vs the alternative.
Best Regards
Pensacola FL

Testimonial – 80 degrees and sunny
I contacted you guys after 2 days and was still tacky, & was told it could take a couple more days depending on humidity so I waited 3 days, and I was dry to the touch. Average temperature was 75-85 degrees during the days, and low to mid 60’s at night. Low humidity, & nice breezy conditions. Rained one time, for about 2 hours. On day 4 I applied 2nd layer, slightly thicker layer, and it went on perfect. Temp 80 degrees and sunny.

Testimonial – Bob
I am ecstatic with the results and the self-leveling qualities of the product. We have used other products but none that went on like this. Your customer support people discussed the cross-linking abilities of this product, so I have to say that you guys have something here! Your videos on the site were a big help for us in making our decision. It was a fairly straight forward process.

Testimonial – Dennis C
I recently finished recoating the EPDM roof on our 2000 Alpenlite 5th wheel, using RVRoofMagic and the Repair Kit for sealing around all the edges, vents and fasteners. I removed three solar panels, three vent covers and the AC cover before washing the entire roof with the cleaner/degreaser from Roof Magic. I then masked around the entire perimeter of the trailer and hung plastic sheeting to prevent any splatters of the roof coating from getting on the windows or siding of the trailer. Next, I cut in around all the openings and the edges before applying the thin flash coat. I repeated this procedure two more times for the two final coats to achieve the desired film thickness of 20 mil. The Trailer roof is 8’ x 28’ = 224 sq. ft. minus 35 sq. ft. for the vents, skylight, AC and Satellite Dish, so my total area to cover was 189 sq. ft. I used approximately 4 gallons of RV Roof Magic for a coverage of 50 sq. ft. per gallon. I used a 3/8” nap roller and applied it as thick as possible on the second and third coats.
Best and Happy RVing
Dennis Complin